Wednesday, 15 October 2008

Ok ok!

I did it. I pimped out the cafe. Why not? I eventually thought, in this scary economic climate, I need all the custom I can get. If my owning up to where I work gets me one more customer, it'll be worth it. I'm hoping it'll not harm my custom any, though I doubt it would.

So, if you fancy a coffee and a gab, come down to Kavir at 290 Dumbarton Road, Glasgow. We're across from the Partick Library. And we value your custom.


I realise I haven't done any quotes for a while, so here's a great one,

Intelligence without ambition is a bird without wings.
Salvador Dali

I love Dali - don't you?)


As you all know, Dita has a new underwear range (out now!) and the website designed exclusively for the range is asking everyone, "What does sexy mean?"

I wrote this,

Sexy is something everyone has but no-one can explain. It transcends language, age, race, gender and creed.

Some may find a neck sexy. Some, a glance. Others could swoon at the sight of a shoe dangling off a ladies foot. It can be a voice, a hand, a laugh.

Sexy is a verb, an adjective, a noun. It’s a feeling, an emotion, an atmosphere.

Candlelight. Music. Lying in water. Tightening a corset. Dancing. Eye contact in a crowed train. Cleavage. A lipstick stain on a wine glass.

But the most important type of sexy is confidence within. Without that, you’ll never respond to the little things in this world that CAN be sexy, even when it’s not.

... So, what does it mean to you?


50 things... because I can

My life can be described as somewhat *twirly* at the moment. I can't really focus on one thing, because even when it feels like I've stopped to take a breath, my world continues to blur around me in sometimes frightening fashion. In the eye of the storm though, I can focus instead, on the small things in my life that make me happy, if for no other reason, than it reminds me my existence is more than this current chaos. More than fifty things make me happy, but I'd be here forever and I'd rather enjoy doing said things than writing about them.

1. Lighting incense and candles for just me. Even playing online poker seems more romantic when there's candles.

2. Cleaning my kitchen, just because.

3. Cycling the distance from my house to Bowling Basin. And back again.

4. Splashing in the puddles. With wellies and a silly waterproof hat.

5. Losing myself in my oversized couch and a duvet, with just my book or my Sky to keep me company.

6. Midnight showers. Not taken necessarily at midnight. I just turn off the light, plug in the bath, let the shower heat up to the most ridiculous heat, light 2 candles (no more!) and lie in the tub with a towel under my head.

7. Waking up in the middle of the night and realising Gof is sleeping next to me. And snuggling back into him.

8. Listening to Julie London while I iron my laundry.

9. Going into work in the morning, switching the coffee machine on, then sit down at the big mirror I insisted my boss buy for the shop, and carefully, leisurely, apply my make-up for the day while I catch up on Brocante Home

10. Dancing in my living room to the cheesiest tacky music I deny owning... I don't. Honest!

11. Going through a whole day without being tempted by the allure of wheat. I'm hopeless at resistance. I failed today. Damn.

12. Hearing my Nephew and niece gab in the background while I talk to my sister. I miss them. Wales sucks.

13. Having a *wow* moment. Just a silly little random moments of no particular significance except it reminds you how bloody lucky you really are.

14. Perez Hilton - sue me. I'm a sucker for gossip and I'm not ashamed. Plus I've been introduced to fab music I would never had heard otherwise.

15. Handwashing my lingerie. How domestic goddess am I? Seeing my lace and stockings hanging over my shower glass gives a thrill. I need a life.

16. Spending 3 hours painting my nails. Because as stated before - I have no life. But absolutely darling nails.

17. Not giving people birthday presents. Thats when they expect it! I give people gifts when I think they need a wee pick-me-up.

18. Charity shops filled with shabby chic goodies.

19. Sitting in the park with my mates, channeling the good ole teenage years with alchopops, weed and juggling stuff.

20. Watching Bettie Page. Never gets old.

21. My friends. My lifeblood.

22. Fresh bedding. Crisp white bedding thats cool to the touch, and warms in with you.

23. Gof. Gof. Gof

24. Silly texts messages.

25. Sad song when I'm happy, happy songs when I'm sad.

26. Knowing my customers order before they say a word. Fiona calling a cappuccino a "Jackie's coffee" because she always forgets what her sister drinks.

27. Rewatching old movies I loved as a child. The Never Ending Story will never end, indeed.

28. Walking around the house in pajamas and high heels.

29. Scarves. Wafer thin vintage colourful scarves I wrap around my hair, or knot to my bag, or tie round my neck.

30. Rearranging my books. Just so I can really see them again.

31. Crying for no good reason. Just letting it go for a good, cleansing weep.

32. Swimming. In the ocean, in the pool, I don't care as long as I can float.

33. Wearing stockings and a sussy belt underneath a pair of ratty looking jeans.

34. The look on Gof's face when he realises I'm wearing said stockings.

35. Postcards from my mum. Just so I know where she lives!

36. The impeccable manners of those characters in Golden Hollywood Era movies. Even when they were being rude to each other, they did it so beautifully.

37. Freshly dyed hair. I hate the inbetween days - thank heavens for head scarves!

38. Seeing an old couple being affectionate. Just gives me the fuzzies, sentimental fool I am.

39. Coffee in the morning... brewed to perfection since I'm a snob.

40. Breathing in the freshly laundered clothes I take off the line.

41. Hearing the "You and Me Song" on my phone since I know that's my Twitch calling me.

42. Seeing morning from the wrong side.

43. Overdressing for any occasion. Underdressing is NEVER an option.

44. Knowing all the words to my favourite songs. Having a new favourite song to learn.

45. Owning the trashiest unicorn I have ever seen. All unicorns are pretty trashy, but this is really trashy.

46. Getting out of Tarfside Oval alive. A pretty big fucking deal if you ask me.

47. Wee Alan demanding special treatment. Always good for a laugh.

48. Getting side-tracked by the most random things... for instance, I've just found a forum dedicated to pictures of Glasgow high rise flats. And I thought I had way too much free time!

49. Gof calling me baby. Only person to get away with it... and I feel all fuzzy when he does. Gah!

50. Knowing that a particular song was written just for me. It's too perfect for it not to be.

...Good night folks....