Thursday, 8 January 2009

When I close my eyes...

I never want to stop listening to this. Incubus have long been a favourite band of mine, simply because what they write is pure poetry. Every one of their songs have a deeper meaning, and you can delve into the words for hours. I've honestly felt the singer, Brandon Boyd, his lust in 'Here In My Room', his anger in 'Blood On The Ground', and his optimism in 'Drive'. I was gonna go on, but this particular post is about a particular song.

Under My Umbrella (please don't confuse it with the Rhianna song!) is my current favourite, as religion, and my own choices on religion, weigh heavy on on my mind. I've always said I'm Pagan, I believe, no - belief implies doubt - I know, that nature should be worshipped as the amazing entity it is. I've always been moved by the simple power of a flower, and always knew that in this world of duality, it really made no sense to me worshipping the ONE GOD. Now, please don't be offended if this is your choice, I don't disrespect the religion (only those who abuse the religion for their own ends, but more on that later), but for me, as a personal choice, it didn't work. Everywhere I look, I see equal yet opposite partners. It's even in our DNA, with the double helix. I worship what can be seen, the sometimes terrible beauty of this world, and the secrets hidden within it, so easily found, if only we look.

As a result, I try to live life as respectfully as possible. I live a vintage lifestyle, with the creedo 'make do and mend'. I give to charity. I grow herbs (when the cat's not eating them!), I give thanks daily for the blessings in my life. I try hard not to jump to anger when simple understanding will work better all round. I'm trying to improve my life, and hope that this will create a ripple effect, for those around me who also want to improve themselves. I'm alot more forgiving of my own flaws, and I feel, as a result, a lot more forgiving of what I consider flaws in other people.

I don't mind as much, when people try to 'convert' me to their way of thinking, I know they're probably as passionate about their beliefs as I am mine. In saying that though, I don't mind when they respect my choices. The fire and brimstone, death to the west, you're wrong I'm right crowd, whatever they claim to be, Christians, Muslims, Krishnas, etc, still really bother me. By forcing religion on people, coercing them into a belief system they don't want to understand, isn't that, in essence, going against the religion they profess to be a part of? Faith is such a personal thing, and it needs to lift your heart and make your fingers tingle! (or maybe that last part is just me!) True love in what you worship only comes when you choose to.

Ok, as usual, when talking about religion, I've babbled on too long, so I'll come back to it, but for now, here's the song, lyrics underneath, 'Under My Umbrella'. Enjoy!

When I close my eyes... I can see for miles.
There's comfort in my dark seat... and chaos in the aisles.

These eyes are not your eyes
and these eyes are not the color that your arid eyes might be.
No, I was not around
when those eyes of yours decided so
I refuse to kneel before the sights you choose to see.

When I close my eyes... I remember why I smile.
Under my umbrella... I'm an accomplished exile.

These eyes are not your eyes
and these eyes are not the color that your arid eyes might be.
No, I was not around
when those eyes of yours decided so
I refuse to kneel before the sights you choose to see!

If this is right, I'd rather be wrong.
If this is sight, I'd rather be blind.

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