This is Elivinessa. From pretty much Friday to Monday, Nicki went away for awhile. When Elivinessa first sprung into being (see this post for more background info), she was shy, unsure and scared. She's been gaining confidence though, both in herself, and in the company of those she travels with. This year, a few more people joined the Ship's Crew, making Livvy even more confident, as she's officially not the new kid now. Bousen still scares her (as is proper!), but she's more comfortable around him, and doesn't mind talking up more often. She no longer speaks only when spoken to. She doesn't mind teasing other Crew members, or even casting magic on them if they piss her off.
The Ship's new Helmsman, a rather dapper man named Tristan had brought some, shall we say, less than savoury postcards with him, and showed them around often. Livvy told him several times she didn't want to see them, she may not be the lady she once was, but she still holds her principles! Tristan began teasing Livvy, taking the smutty postcards out several times in her presence, until she finally threatened to put him to sleep. Of course, he didn't believe her, but when he did it again, Livvy promptly cast sleep upon him. Immediately, he was mugged by a strange man, relived of said postcards. Tristan, when he awoke, he complained to the Captain, and when he pointed the finger toward a man named Sparrow as his mugger, Livvy, feeling only alittle guilty, cast sleep on the man, so he could be checked. There was nothing on him, and Livvy apologised to him when he came round.
Later, the Ship's Crew had hired the private room in the casino, and Livvy, having very little poker experience, was content to watch her shipmates play each other. When she noticed Tristan looking several times in his pocket, she began to wonder if the postcards were in fact stolen at all! When he started teasing her again about the cards, she ignored him and waited until most of the crew adjourned the table for a quick break. She made her move, putting him to sleep and searching his pockets. Bingo! He had had the cards all this time! And more, he lied to the Captain about having them stolen! He came to before the crew returned to the table, and was none the wiser about his small nap. When the game restarted, Livvy quietly sat next to Tristan and informed him she would be telling the Captain of his lies, and show him the proof that he had the postcards all along. Quickly searching his pockets, he realised the cards were no longer there. Worry passed over his face, and Livvy assured him that the Captain need not be the wiser if 2 silver coins were to be passed in exchange for the cards. Tristan complied, and the exchange was made. Then, standing up and calling the Bousen's attention, Livvy announced that Tristan had very generously made a 2 silver donation to the Ship's coffers. Everyone it seemed, except the Captain (who remains blissfully oblivious), knew exactly what had just occurred, and all approved of the spellcasting, theft and blackmailing of Tristan. "She's an asset, that one" one remarked.
See, Elivinessa is no push over. Oh no, not anymore. She'll stand her ground, and win. She's alot more hardnosed than she thought, and has no problem doing whatever it takes to protect the interests of both herself and her trusted shipmates. Tristan knows this now, and she will not hold grudges against his actions, provided he treats her with more respect. Maybe in time, she'll trust Tristan too.

l-r, Jocim, Elivinessa, Blaith, Tsunami, Joshua, Bousen, Gt, Tristan, Mr Todd - Captain in front.
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