Monday, 4 January 2010

The Not The Resolutions List for 2010

I want to discover new bands, new music. Online, gigs, anywhere!

I want to remind everyone they are absolutely beautiful, just the way they are.

I want to go to bed knowing I've done the dishes.

I want to make sure Gof knows at all times he is loved very very much.

I want to indulge in my girlie side without feeling like I look like I want to be a little girl.

I want to write more often.

I want to decide.

I want to take my make up off every night.

I want to stick to a food plan, not a diet.

I want to see my flat grow into my home.

I want to stick at a job.

I want to find joy in what I do.

I want to see my family more often.

I want to create beautiful things.

I want to go to more burlesque shows.

I want my savings to be savings, not emergency money.

I want to let go of the hurt.

I want to wear something each day that has no purpose other than being lovely.

I want to take more pictures.

I want to reach for the stars....

1 comment:

dippydipdab said...

I think that is a good and do-able list for the new year. I think that you have a very beautiful mind, and I look forward to reading more of your insightful blogs in the new year. I hope things really keep going well for you. You deserve it. x